Ali Khan Show Redaktion

1 Min.

69.Königsgeburtstag -18.3.23

Aktualisiert: 14. Dez. 2022

...wird multipel und musikalisch gerock`n rolled!

Samstag, 18.März 2023, 19 Uhr

in Laim, Lokal Laimer Jungs, Zschokke Strasse.

Nur für Eingeweihte, Hartgesottene.

Unverschämt & Laut.

The 69th King's birthday will be celebrated at Laimer Jungs on Zschokke Strasse in Laim.

On Saturday, March 18th, 2023 at 7 PM, we'll be rocking with 70s to 90s Rock'n'Roll, massive drums, and 80s entertainment like the Ali Khan Show.

This party is only for the initiated and hardcore, as we're partying without censorship and loud. Come join us and let's rock the King's birthday together!